The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has awarded two Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) Education Program grants to support students in Nutritional Sciences and Wellness at the University of Arizona Yuma Campus: SOPA and SALUDABLES.
Student Success by Increasing Opportunity, Participation, Awareness, and Achievement (SOPA)
SOPA provides support to expand our students' access to hands-on learning activities. At the Yuma campus, the grant will help the university build a culinary research laboratory and demonstration kitchen, plus a community garden, for students to hone their skills in preparation for graduate school and the workforce.
Our objective is to increase the number of students completing the Nutritional Sciences bachelor’s degree (BS) and earning dietetics credentials (NDTR/RDN) at The University of Arizona-Yuma (UArizona-Yuma) campus by developing farm-to-table, food-as-medicine experiential learning activities (addressing regional food safety, food security, food production, incorporation of local cuisine, and cooking traditions).
The SOPA project includes funds for instruction to be able to deliver key experiential learning nutrition courses, leadership, and graduate school workshops on the ground in Yuma during the grant period to enhance student learning and success. The SOPA project also includes money to create a holistic teaching garden where students will develop skills to learn how to garden, as well as how to use a garden setting for teaching others about food and nutrition. Additionally, funding will be used to develop a culinary food lab where students majoring in Nutritional Sciences will gain hands-on experience applying food science principles, following food safety protocols, developing and preparing recipes using fresh local ingredients (including from the garden) as often as possible, and delivering classes to the community promoting the use of food as medicine. Construction on the Culinary Lab is expected to be completed during the first six months of 2023.
NIFA HSI Education Grant Award #2021-77040-34885
Amount: $250,000
Team Members:
- Dr. Tanya Hodges, Executive Director of Business Initiatives and Grant Development, University of Arizona - Yuma Campus
- Ashlee Linares-Gaffer, Associate Professor of Practice, University of Arizona School of Nutritional Sciences and Wellness
- Dr. Baleshka Brenes, Director of Agriculture Programs, University of Arizona - Yuma Campus
- Dr. Carmen Gallego, Research Program Administrator Officer, University of Arizona - Yuma Campus
Strengthening Awareness for Living Healthy Using Dietetics Approaches and Boosting Local Educational Success (SALUDABLES)
SALUDABLES is a collaborative initiative with Arizona Western College and helps recruit and support students interested in pursuing a degree in Nutritional Sciences. Additionally, this grant provides 10 students full scholarships to earn a master's degree in Applied Nutrition and the Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) credential between 2023-2026.
SALUDABLES is a collaborative grant proposal between three HSI institutions: University of Arizona (UArizona), Arizona Western College (AWC), and Imperial Valley College (IVC) in partnership with regional food and nutrition stakeholders to develop better systems and processes for recruiting and supporting students when they work towards earning nutrition-related degrees and credentials. The project goals during the grant period from 2021-2026, include:
- Recruit and support 20 undergraduate students from Arizona Western College (AWC) to transfer into UArizona's Nutrition B.S. program
- Promote careers in food, agriculture, natural resources, and human sciences to a minimum of 1200 students in K-12 area schools
- Recruit, support, and train 10 graduate students to become Registered Dietitian Nutritionists in our accredited Professional Science Masters Applied Nutrition - Dietetics program
- Create a group of at least 2- Food and Nutrition Stakeholders, including faculty, students, and staff from AWC, the UArizona School of Nutritional Sciences and Wellness, and community professionals
NIFA HSI Education Grant Award #2022-77040-37624
Amount: $983,112
Team Members:
- Ashlee Linares-Gaffer, Associate Professor of Practice, University of Arizona School of Nutritional Sciences and Wellness
- Dr. Tanya Hodges, Executive Director of Business Initiatives and Grant Development, University of Arizona - Yuma Campus
- Dr. Baleshka Brenes, Director of Agriculture Programs, University of Arizona - Yuma Campus
- Carmen Young, MFN, RD, Assistant Professor of Practice, University of Arizona School of Nutritional Sciences and Wellness
- Jane Fisher, Coordinator Physical & Wellness Education, Arizona Western College
How can students get involved?
All students who enroll in the B.S. in Nutritional Sciences and master's in Applied Nutrition programs at the University of Arizona Yuma Campus have the opportunity to be involved in activities that are supported by these grants.
- Students attending Arizona Western College: If you attend Arizona Western College and plan to eventually transfer to the University of Arizona Yuma Campus to major in Nutritional Sciences, you may be eligible to participate in our SALUDABLES mentoring program during the 2022-2023, 2023-2024, or 2024-2025 school years while you are still attending AWC. Participation in this program comes with a stipend (aka- Financial compensation).
Please contact professor Ashlee Linares-Gaffer at for more details. - Students currently majoring in Nutritional Sciences at the UArizona Yuma Campus: All students majoring in Nutritional Sciences at the UArizona Yuma Campus through 2026 will benefit from these grant initiatives, which provide funding for on-site instruction and the new culinary lab and garden (coming 2023). Additionally, any students who complete the B.S. in Nutritional Sciences can apply to earn their master’s degree in Applied Nutrition. The SALUDABLES grant provides funding for a total of 10 students between 2023-2026 to earn a master’s degree in Applied Nutrition and RDN credential training free of charge, including tuition and living expenses. If you are interested in being considered for this funding, you must first apply and be accepted into the PSM in Applied Nutrition Program.
Questions about applying to the PSM in Applied Nutrition should be directed to Jessica Zepeda (
All general questions about SOPA and SALUDABLES grants can be directed to Ashlee Linares-Gaffer at