
H-H. Sherry Chow, PhD
Research Professor, MedicineImage

Frank Duca, PhD
Assistant Professor, School of Animal & Comparative Biomedical SciencesAssistant Professor, College of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences

Janet Funk, MD, FACP
Professor, Department of MedicineImage

David O. Garcia PhD, FACSM
Assistant Professor, Health Promotion Sciences DepartmentImage

Charles Gerba, PhD
Professor, Department of Environmental SciencesImage

Fayez Ghishan, MD
Professor and Department Head, Department of PediatricsImage

Michael A. Grandner, PhD, MTR, CBSM
Director, Sleep and Health Research ProgramAssistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry

Iman Hakim, PhD
Dean and Professor, Mel & Enid Zuckerman College of Public HealthImage

Pawel Kiela, DVM, PhD
Professor, Department of PediatricsImage

John Konhilas, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of PhysiologyImage

Sean Limesand, PhD
Professor, School of Animal Sciences & Comparative Biomedical SciencesImage

Esther M Sternberg, MD
Professor, Medicine - (Research Scholar Track) and PsychologyJoint Appointments, Professor, Architecture, Planning & Landscape Architecture
Director of Research, Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine
Founding Director, Institute on Place, Wellbeing, & Performance
Inaugural Andrew Weil Endowed Chair for Research in Integrative Medicine
Member, BIO5 Institute, Arizona Arthritis Center

Shad Marvasti, MD
Associate Professor, Academic Affairs (Clinical Scholar Track)Associate Professor, Family / Community and Preventive Medicine - (Clinical Scholar Track)
Director, Public Health / Prevention / Population Health Theme
Co-Director, Capstones
Physician, Doctoring Program
Facilitator, Longitudinal Case-Based Instruction
Associate Professor, Nutritional Sciences and Wellness

Janko Nikolich-Zugich, MD, PhD
Professor and Department Head, ImmunobiologyCo-Director, Arizona Center on Aging

Sadhana Ravishankar, PhD
Associate Professor, School of Animal & Comparative Biomedical SciencesImage

Benjamin Renquist, PhD
Assistant Professor, School of Animal & Comparative Biomedical SciencesImage

Christina Valentine, FACEP, MD, MS

Joshua Nicholas Farr, PhD
Associate Professor of MedicineThe Ethel McChesney Bilby Endowed Chair in Osteoporosis

Jennifer H. Stern, PhD
Assistant Professor, MedicineAssistant Professor, Physiology
Assistant Professor, Cellular and Molecular Medicine
Assistant Professor, BIO5 Institute
Member of the Graduate Faculty
Assistant Professor