Linda Houtkooper, PhD, RDN, FACSM

Professor Emerita
School of Nutritional Sciences and Wellness


  • Fellow in the American College of Sports Medicine (FACSM) (2005)
  • PhD, Nutritional Sciences, The University of Arizona (1985)
  • Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, American Dietetics Association (RDN) (1977)
  • MS, Food, Human Nutrition, and Dietetics, The University of Arizona(1977)
  • Internship, Clinical Dietetics, Arizona Health Sciences Center (1976-77)
  • BS, Home Economics Education, South Dakota State University (1971)


Cooperative Extension & Outreach Projects

Osteoporosis Prevention

Osteoporosis prevention education book and continuing education course The BEST Exercise Program for Osteoporosis Prevention book and continuing education course. This book is based on The Bone, Estrogen, and Strength Training (BEST) research study, a randomized prospective study of the effects of exercise and hormone replacement therapy on bone mineral density, soft tissue composition and muscle strength in postmenopausal women (Co-PI, funded by National Institutes of Health).

Cooperative Extension Publications related to bone health and osteoporosis prevention:

Publications in the last 12 years

Refereed Book Chapters

  1. Houtkooper L and Farrell V. Chapter 1. ABCs of Osteoporosis and Nutrition & Osteoporosis, Chapter 6. Nutrition and Osteoporosis. In: The BEST Exercise Program for Osteoporosis Prevention. 4th Edition, (TG Lohman, SB Going, LL Metcalfe, T Antoniotti-Guido, Jeff Lisse and VA Stanford, Eds.) Tucson, AZ: DSF, Inc., 2017, pp. 1-10, 99-122.
  2. Houtkooper LK and Manore MM. Calcium. Nutritional Supplements in Sport, Exercise and Health An A-Z Guide. (L.M. Castell, S.J. Stear and L. Burke, Eds.) London and New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2015, pp. 68-71.
  3. Houtkooper L and Farrell V. Chapter 1. ABCs of Osteoporosis and Nutrition & Osteoporosis, Chapter 6. Nutrition and Osteoporosis. In: The BEST Exercise Program for Osteoporosis Prevention. 3rd Edition, (TG Lohman, SB Going, LL Metcalfe, T Antoniotti-Guido and VA Stanford, Eds.) Tucson, AZ: DSF, Inc., 2012, pp. 1-16, 121-149.
  4. Houtkooper LB. Chapter 7: Body Composition. In: Sport Nutrition for Health and Performance (2nd Edition). (M.M. Manore, N.L. Meyer and J. Thompson, Eds.) Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2009, pp. 205-228.

Refereed Journal Articles

  1. Manore,M., Larson-Meyer,D. E., Lindsay,A., Hongu N., Houtkooper L. (2017)  Dynamic Energy Balance: An Integrated Framework for Discussing Diet and Physical Activity in Obesity Prevention—Is it More than Eating Less and Exercising More? Nutrients  9, 905; doi:10.3390/nu9080905
  2. Kerna A, Frisvold G, Jacobs L, Farrell V, Houtkooper L and Misner S. Application of IMPLAN to Extension Programs: Economic Impacts of the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension SNAP-Ed Spending," Journal of Extension, 2015, Vol. 53(6), Article #6TOT4.
  3. Harris M, Farrell V, Houtkooper L, Going S and Lohman T. (2015) Associations of polyunsaturated fatty acid intake with bone mineral density in postmenopausal women. Journal of Osteoporosis. Volume 2015,Article ID 737521, 8 pages.
  4. Manore MM, Brown K, Houtkooper LK, Jakicic J, Peters J, Edge MS, Steiber A, Going S, Guillermin Gable L, Krautheim AM. (2014) Energy Balance at a Crossroads: Translating the Science into Action. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 114(7), 1113–1119.
  5. Manore MM, Brown K, Houtkooper L, Jakicic J, Peters JC, Edge Smith M, Steiber A, Going S, Guillermin Gable L, Kraautheim AM. (2014) Energy Balance at a Crossroads: Translating the Science into Action. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 46(7), 1466–1473.
  6. Hongu N, Going SB, Orr BJ, Merchant NC, Hingle MD, Roe D, Greenblatt Y, Houtkooper LB. (2014) TECH SAVVY: Mobile Technologies for Promoting Health and Physical Activity. American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM's) Health & Fitness Journal, 18(4), 8–15.
  7. Laddu DR, Farr JN, Lee VR, Blew RM, Stump C, Houtkooper L, Lohman TG, Going SB. (2014) Muscle density predicts changes in bone density and strength: a prospective study in girls. Journal of Musculoskeletal & Neuronal Interactions, 14(2), 195–204.
  8. Laddu DR, Farr JN, Laudermilk MJ, Lee VR, Blew RM, Stump C, Houtkooper L, Lohman TG, Going SB. (2013) Longitudinal relationships between whole body and central adiposity on weight-bearing bone geometry, density, and bone strength: a pQCT study in young girls. Archives of Osteoporosis, 8 (1-2), 156. doi:10.1007/s11657-013-0156-x. Epub 2013 Oct 10.
  9. Volpe SL, M Manore, L Houtkooper. (2013) Improve Your Performance: Sports Nutrition for Youth and Adults. President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition Research Digest. Series 14, Number 3. September.
  10. Laudermilk MJ, Manore MM, Thomson CA, Houtkooper LB, Farr JN, Going SB. (2012) Calcified Tissue International Vitamin C and Zinc Intakes are Related to Bone Macroarchitectural Structure and Strength in Prepubescent Girls. 91:430-439.
  11. Farrell VA, Reeves J, Going SB, Houtkooper LB. (2011) Integrating Nutrition and Physical Activity Education Into Elementary Schools Serving Low-Income Families. American College of Sports Medicine, Health & Fitness Journal. 15:8-16.
  12. Burke LM, Castell LM, Stear SJ, Houtkooper LB, Manore M and Senchina D. (2010) BJSM reviews: A-Z of Nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance. Part 7. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 44:389-391.
  13. Farrell VA, Harris MM, Lohman TG, Going SB, Thomson CA, Weber JL and Houtkooper LB. (2009) Comparison between Dietary Assessment Methods for Determining Associations between Nutrient Intakes and Bone Mineral Density in Postmenopausal Women. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 109:899-904.
  14. Abbot JM, Thomson CA, Ranger-Moore J, Teixeira PJ, Lohman TG, Taren DL, Cussler EC, Going SB and Houtkooper LB. (2008) Psychosocial and Behavioral Profile and Predictors of Self-Reported Energy Underreporting in Obese Middle-Aged Women. Journal American Dietetic Association. 108:114-119.
  15. Cussler EC, Teixeira PJ, Going SB, Houtkooper LB, Ricketts J, Metcalfe LL, Blew RM and Lohman TG. (2008) Maintenance of weight loss through internet. Obesity Research. 16(5):1052-60.
  16. Houtkooper LB, Stanford VA, Metcalfe LL, Lohman TG and Going SB. (2007) Preventing Osteoporosis the Bone Estrogen Strength Training Way. American College of Sports Medicine Health and Fitness Journal 11:21-27.
  17. Houtkooper LB, Abbot JM and Nimmo M. (2007) Nutrition for throwers, jumpers and combined events athletes. Journal of Sports Sciences. 25(2); 39-47.

Other Publications
Peer-Reviewed Arizona Cooperative Extension Publications

  1. Kerna, A.; Duval, D.; Vautour, J.; Farrell, V.; McCullough, L.; Houtkooper, L.; Misner, S.  The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Nutrition Network’s Contribution to the Arizona Economy in 2014. AZ1740, 2017: Posted on College of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences, Cooperative Extension website and available for download at
  2. Kerna A, Frisvold G, Jacobs L, Farrell V, Houtkooper L and Misner S. (2015) The Economic Contribution of the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed) Spending to the State of Arizona. Cooperative Extension Publication AZ1662. (SNAP-Ed Economic Contributions Infographic)
  3. Farrell V, Houtkooper LB and Mullins VA. (2011) Calcium Supplement Guidelines. Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication AZ1042.
  4. Farrell VA and Houtkooper LB. (2011) Calcium and Calorie Content of Selected Foods. Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication AZ1128.
  5. Durrant LA, Marsh MJ, Farrell VA, Houtkooper LB and Hortman S. (2011) Eating for Bone Health. Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication AZ1250.