Kay (Nobuko) Hongu, PhD, MEd, RD, FACSM

Professor Emerita | School of Nutritional Sciences and Wellness
Cooperative Extension Specialist


  • Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Department of Medicine and Meharry Medical College, Vanderbilt University
  • Ph.D., Human Ecology, The University of Tennessee (Specialization: Nutritional Sciences, Exercise Physiology)
  • M.Ed., The University of Akron (Specialization: Exercise Physiology, Physical and Health Education)
  • B.A., Education/Physical Education, Mukogawa Women's University, Hyogo, Japan

Professional Society Memberships


  • 2015: Certificate of Service & Appreciation: Arizona Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (AEAFCS)
  • 2014: Award for Excellence in Reviewing. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior
  • 2014: States' 4-H International Recognition Award
  • 2012: Certificate of Service and Appreciation: Arizona Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (AEAFCS)
  • 2010: Rookie of the Year. States' 4-H International Exchange Programs
  • 2008: Hemmy Award. Grassroots Public Health Campaign (1st place). Walk Across Arizona. Given by the Arizona Public Health Association.
  • 2008: Translational Science for Society Poster Session Award (Honorable Mention). Nutritional Sciences Extension. Given by the College of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences Faculty Conference.
  • 2008: Translational Science for Society Poster Session Award (Honorable Mention). Promoting Physical Activity Among Youth Through Technological Advances. Given by the College of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences Faculty Conference.
  • 2008: Translational Science for Society Poster Session Award (Honorable Mention). Walk Across Arizona: A Sustainable Approach for Mobilizing Older Adults. Given by the College of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences Faculty Conference.
  • 2008: Translational Science for Society Poster Session Award (2nd place). Designing Weight Loss & Fitness Program using Participatory Approach. Given by the College of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences Faculty Conference.
  • 2007: Internet Education Technology National Award (3rd place). Walk Across Arizona. Given by the National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.
  • 2007: Internet Education Technology Western Region Award (1st place). Walk Across Arizona. Given by the National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, Western Region.
  • 2004: Post-Doctoral Fellow Award, Research Centers in Minority Institutions. Given by the Center for Nutrition, Department of Family and Community Medicine, Meharry Medical College, Nashville, TN.
  • 2001: Outstanding Research as a Graduate Student Award. Given by the University of Tennessee.
  • 2001: Sigma Xi Graduate Student Research Presentation Competition (2nd place) in Biological Sciences. Given by Sigma Xi, University of Tennessee.
  • 2000: Outstanding Professional Promise as a Graduate Student Award. Given by the University of Tennessee.
  • 1994: Outstanding Achievement in the Home Economics Department. Given by Montclair State University, Upper Montclair, NJ.
  • 1994-1997: Dean's Scholar. Given by the University of Tennessee.


  • 2011-2015 (2016-2017, no cost - Extension). USDA-AFRI Childhood Obesity Prevention. Homestyles: Shaping Home Environments and Lifestyle Practices to Prevent Childhood Obesity: A Randomized Control Trial.
    PI: Byrd-Bredbenner C. (Co-PI: Hongu N, Roe D).
  • 2009-2011 (2012-2013, no cost - Extension). USDA-NRI Human Nutrition and Obesity. Stealth Health: Youth Innovation. Mobile Technology, Online Social Networking and Informal Learning to Promote Physical Activity.
    PI: Going S. (Co-PI: Hongu N, Orr B, Roe D, Nichter M, Astroth K)
  • 2012-2016. W-2005 Hatch Western Regional Projects (2012-2017), USDA-Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service. Parenting, Energy Dynamics, and Lifestyle Determinants of Childhood Obesity: New Directions in Prevention. (AZ: Hongu N, Hingle M, Houtkooper L, Going S)
  • 2012-2016. W-3003 Hatch Western Regional Project (2014-2019), USDA-Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service. Parenting practices supporting positive eating behaviors during independent eating occasions among early adolescent children. (AZ: Hongu, N., Misner, S.)
  • 2014-2016. Cooperative Extenaion State Signature Program
    Oral Health: Building Initiatives, Funding and Education
    Project Leader: Whitmer E
    Team Members: Dixon D, Flieger J, Hongu N, Martinez C, McDonald D, Parrot A, Pearson C, Pliska M, Sargent T, Whitmer E, Willcox M, Wilson H
  • 2013-2014. Cooperative Extension State Signature Program
    Developing Mobile Friendly Walk Across Arizona Website: A New Way to Promote Physical Activity and Increase Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables.
    Project Leader: Hongu N
    Team Members: Merchant N, Parizek D, Torrey Y, Misner S, Roe D, Martinez C, Alves J, Waits J, Burruel C, Tessman D.
  • 2011-2012. Cooperative Extension Program Evaluation Challenge
    Impact of Walk Across Arizona Walking Program for Promoting Healthy Living: Increasing Physical Activity and Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables.
    Project Leader: Hongu N
    Team Members: Torrey Y, McDonald D, Misner S, Martinez C, Hoelscher Day S, Waits J, Harris RB.


Peer-Reviewed Publications

  • Devrim, A., Bilgic, P., Hongu, N. (2018). Is there any relationship between body image perception, eating disorders, and muscle dysmorphic disorders in male bodybuilders? American Journal of Men's Health, OnlineFirst, July 13, 2018.
  • Quick, V., Martin-Biggers, J., Povis, G.A., Worobey, J., Hongu, N., Byrd-Bredbenner, C. (2018) Long-term follow-up effects of the HomeStyles randomized controlled trial in families with preschool children on social cognitive theory constructs associated with physical activity cognitions and behaviors. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 68: 79-89.
  • Byrd-Bredbenner, C., Martin-Biggers, J., Povis, G.A., Worobey, J., Hongu, N., Quick, V. (2018) Promoting healthy home environments and lifestyles in families with preschool children: HomeStyles, a randomized controlled trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 64: 139-151.
  • Hongu, N., Kim, A.S., Suzuki, A., Wilson, H., Tsui, K.C., Park, S. (2017) Korean kimchi: promoting healthy meals through cultural tradition. Journal of Ethnic Foods, 4 (3), 133-210. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jef.2017.08.005
  • Manore, M.M., Larson-Myer, E.D., Lindsay, A.R., Hongu, N., Houtkooper, L. (2017) Dynamic energy balance: An integrated framework for discussing diet and physical activity in obesity prevention - Is it more than eating less and exercising more? Nutrients, 9(8), 905; DOI: 10.3390/nu9080905

Electronic Publications (peer-reviewed)

Book Chapters

  • Hongu, N. (2010). Chapter 9: Physical Activity. In Bauer, K. & Sokolik, C. Nutrition Counseling Skill Development (2nd edition). Cengage Learning, Belmont, CA.
  • Hongu, N., Lee, V., & Going, S.B. (2011). Body Composition, Measurement Techniques. In Rippe, J.M. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Lifestyle Medicine and Health. Sage publications Inc, Thousand Oaks, CA.

*This list is incomplete. Contact us for a complete list of publications.


  • NSC 499H: Undergraduate Honors Independent Study
  • NSC 399: Undergraduate Independent Study
  • NSC 499: Undergraduate Independent Study
  • Graduate student thesis advisor


Walk Across Arizona Program. The Walk Across Arizona (WAAZ) program is an 8-week walking promotion program is an 8-week walking promotion program targeting individuals at worksites and in the community. The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension developed an online system for the WAAZ program.

Walk Across Arizona Research Project: The Walk Across Arizona (WAAZ) team meets periodically to discuss dissemination and diffusion of the WAAZ program, which was developed by the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension and the College of Public Health. This group also discusses improvement of the WAAZ program, analyzes survey data, and modifies the program in ways that will benefit people in different counties in Arizona.

Obesity Prevention Programs: My research interests, which began in the laboratory looking at some of the biochemical and metabolism aspects of weight gain and loss, has expanded to improving the reach and effectiveness of obesity interventions. I am working to develop and test a new approach to obesity prevention designed to induce physical activity in multiple settings in a manner sustainable beyond intervention periods while also reaching more of those otherwise unlikely to participate in traditional education programs.

Healthy Aging: Fall Prevention Project: This applied research/Extension project, "Healthy Aging: Fall Prevention Project" is designed to result in a product - muscle strength and balance testing tools for fall prevention among older adults and develop physical activity lessons that health professionals may use for their community partners.