Funding is often near the top of graduate students’ list of needs. Students can get funding in a variety of ways, from research assistantships to stipends to fellowships, and more.
Graduate funding opportunities
Research and graduate teaching assistantships can help you fund your tuition while providing you with applied experience. Connect with your graduate coordinator to learn more.
A variety of awards are available through the University of Arizona Graduate College.
Graduate degree students are encouraged to seek funding through sources such as the National Science Foundation, Fulbright grants, host country sponsorships, and College of Agriculture, Life & Environmental Science awards.
Scientific societies often offer small grants aimed at enhancing a research project, and several small grants are available through Scholarship Universe.
The school aims to provide student-only health insurance for two years (M.S.) or five years (Ph.D.), depending on the availability of funds and satisfactory academic progress.
Many scholarships and other funding opportunities require completion of the FAFSA.